Thirty years of experience spanning nonprofit leadership and consulting has provided rich opportunities to learn, work on and establish a track record on a range of subjects.  Heller Key brings a keen interest and deep knowledge on topics and approaches that are high leverage for leaders, teams, organizations and systems passionate about making a powerful difference. 

  • Governance - creating and sustaining highly effective boards of directors - from understanding legal duties and board-staff partnership to the implications of organizational growth for board composition and function
  • Human Services systems, challenges and emerging new practices and approaches
  • National Nonprofits - structures and trends
  • Civic Engagementadvocacy and organizing
  • Complex and Pressing Social Issues - approaches to eliminating racial disparities and income inequality
  • Systems Change, models and practices
  • Population Specific Approaches to working with children and youth, families, people with disabilities and older people

  • Leadership Development inclusive and holistic practices and approaches for work with emerging leaders and throughout the life cycle

  • Volunteerism  - effective volunteer engagement and management

  • Framing Communications - understanding and applying the neuroscience and applied social science behind public opinion and support on policy issues